


당뇨를 동반한 심부전 환자에 대한 beta-blocker의 유효성 평가


Retrospective Evaluation for Efficacy and Tolerance of beta-blocker in Heart Failure Patients with Concomitant Diabetes

장선미, 강민희, 임성실, 이준섭, 이명구

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: A retrospective study was performed to assess the efficacy and tolerance of administration in patients with heart failure and diabetes. Method: Records of 164 patients who were treated for the heart failure condition more than a year were studied retrospectively. Patients were divided into 4 groups based on their diabetes(DM) status and the administration of ( group: 14, DM w/o : 19, No DM + : 62, No DM + no : 69). All patients had been receiving conventional therapy such as digoxin, ACE-I, ARB, diuretics, nitrates, aspirin, anticoagulants or lipid-lowering agents. The primary endpoints (death and hospital admission) were recorded during 1 year period and hemodynamic factors (HR, LVEF, SBP, DBP) were obtained from all patient groups before and after 12 months of treatment. To evaluate toxicity of , SCr, BUN, AST, ALT and Alkaline phosphatase were obtained. Result: There were less death and hospital admission in DM + group than in DM without group (p=0.014). Relative risk of hospital admission for group over no DM group was 1.17. Long term administration was associated with an improvement of heart rate in patients with DM (P< 0.02) with no significant improvement of LVEF, SBP, DBP. in DM patient. In patient without DM, was associated with improvement in LVEF, HR and DBP (P<0.01, P<0.03), but not in SBP. The incidence of toxicity was similar between the four group with no significant difference. Conculsion: Treatment of heart failure patients with appears to be beneficial in terms of hospital admission event and several hemodynamic factors. The toxicities of treatment were not significant and the treatment is generally well-tolerated in most of the heart failure patients.


 자료 수집 및 분석 내용
  환자 특성
  Primary end point의 그룹 간 차이 비교
  혈류 역학적 인지(Hemodynamic factor)에 대한 영향
  부작용에 대한 평가
 감사의 말씀


  • 장선미 Sun Mi Jang. 효성병원 약제부
  • 강민희 Min Hee Kang. 충북대학교 약학대학
  • 임성실 Sung Cil Lim. 충북대학교 약학대학
  • 이준섭 Jun Seop Lee. 충북대학교병원 약제부
  • 이명구 Myung Koo Lee. 충북대학교 약학대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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