

경상북도 전통가옥의 변용실태 조사 연구 - 안동권 문화재 지정 가옥을 중심으로


A Study on the Codification of the Traditional Housings in Gyeongsangbuk-do - Focusing on the Cultural Properties in AnDong Area

이상민, 조재모

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study’s purpose is to find an agreement of two different views which are the policy that is focused on the preservation of cultural properties and the actual needs of residents who are living in the cultural properties. This agreement has premise of reanalyzing the true purpose of cultural properties and through this, we will be able to find the more rational way of preserving national properties. Cultural properties that are accupied with residents or utilized as few different ways are chosen to be the study sbjects.
The reason that the resident properties are chosen is because that those are the cases of reflecting the needs of residents directly. To derive the true way of preserving cultural properties our study is based on the collection and analysis of the needs of owners, residents and managements of cultural properties which were done through site examination and interview, and understanding of the limitation of cultural property related administration. Developing the way to preserve the cultural residence properties more systemically and rationally will establish the important base of not only keeping them longer but also give a good opportunity to promote traditional housing, so we are hoping that this study can be one of the references of establishing a better way of preserving cultural resident properties.


 1. 서론
 2. 문화재 관리절차와 소유자의 역할
 3. 경북지역 문화재지정가옥 변용 실태
  3.1 조사개요와 현황개괄
  3.2 변형요소와 생활요구
 4. 문화재지정가옥의 보전 방향
 5. 결론


  • 이상민 Lee, Sang-min. 경북대학교 건설공학부 석사과정
  • 조재모 Cho, Jae-mo. 경북대학교 건설공학부 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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