

액셜 맵을 활용한 세그먼트 맵 구성에 관한 연구


Segment Map, Defining Axial Lines Explicitly

박주희, 장동국

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Axial map analysis of Space Syntax is a well known technique on the interpretation of configurational space structure and has been successful to understand the relationships between space structures. This paper deals with the limitations of axial lines as a unit space to measure it's social logic due to the fact that axial lines are the fewest longest lines of visibility. This paper attempts to refine an axial space into more detailed unit to identify lines in a real-world manner so that the measured unit of a space can be more precisely correspond to its functions in a the world. Axial lines are split into a segment based on intersection points and can form a graph to get a relationship between them, which is called a 'segment line' and results in a 'segment map'. With comparing measurements of spaces in axial line map and segment map in a case of simulation, this segmentation method of space analysis will find a way to improvement of the space syntax techniques.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적1)
 2. 공간 구문 분석 이론
 3. 세그먼트 맵의 구성
  3.1. 세그먼트 맵의 정의
  3.2. 여분 공간의 처리
  3.3 세그먼트 분할 방법
  3.4. 세그먼트 맵의 그래프 구성
  3.5 세그먼트의 개수
 4. 세그먼트 맵을 이용한 공간의 분석
  4.1. 세그먼트 맵을 이용한 가상 공간의 시뮬레이션
  4.2 중앙 집중 현상과 분석 반경
 5. 결론


  • 박주희 Park, Joo-hee. 정회원, 건축공간구조디자인센터(Cdass),, 조선대학교 건축학부,선임연구원, 공학석사
  • 장동국 Chang, Dong-kuk. 정회원, 건축공간구조디자인센터(Cdass), 조선대학교 건축학부, 교수, 건축학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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