

서원건축의 배치와 공간구성을 도입한 대안학교 계획에 관한 연구


A Design on the Alternative School with the Use of the Spatial Composition and the Plot Plan from Seowon Architecture in Chosun Dynasty

배선정, 안재룡, 이정수, 송용호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The school building in a city should offer students and citizens a free space. People can take a rest. It should be also possible to be used as cultural facilities. The aim of this study is to aware problems about uniform building plan of modern schools. And find out the solution from arrangement of building and construction of space in Seowon Architecture. Seowon was a traditional education facility of Korea. The merits of Seowon architecture are applying a theory of collectivity in building plan, overlapping nature and architecture, and continuing spaces. Finally, it is the most important aim to introduce these merits in school building plan through the modern viewpoint.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
 2. 서원건축의 배치 및 공간구성 특성
  2.1 서원 및 향교
  2.2 서원건축의 배치와 공간구성의 특성
  2.3 학교계획으로의 적용
 3. 대안학교 건축계획 방향설정
  3.1 기본계획 개요
  3.2 주변현황 및 대지분석
  3.3 프로그램
 4. 건축계획에의 적용
  4.1 개념 모델
  4.2 서원건축의 적용원리
  4.3 기본 계획안
 5. 결론


  • 배선정 Bae, Sun-Jung. 준회원, 충남대 건축학부 건축학전공 5학년
  • 안재룡 Ahn, Jae-Ryong. 정회원, 도원 엔지니어링건축사사무소 상무이사
  • 이정수 Lee, Jeong-Soo. 정회원, 충남대 건축학부 부교수
  • 송용호 Song, Yong-Ho. 정회원, 충남대 건축학부 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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