

태양광추적방식에 관한 사례 연구


A Study on the Solar Tracking System and Application

나계연, 정유근, 신동인

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Using solar energy as a clean energy trends in replacement energy market. Solar heating system, photovoltaic, and lightshelves are frequently applied on the buildings. And Then, the various types of solar tracking systems also have been developed to improve the efficiency of solar energy. This study aims to introduce the principles of sun-location in the sky and
several solar tracking methods and to analyze various application examples. The existed sun-location principles of a Spencer, a Pitman, a Walraven, a Lamm and a Michalsky are introduced by literature. Also, the strong and week points of three types of solar tracking systems, a sensor, a program, and the program and sensor systems are investigated. And then, the applied
examples are analyzed.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 고찰
  2.1 태양 위치 계산식
  2.2 추적방식
 3. 태양추적관련 국내외 연구
  3.1 국외연구동향
  3.2 국내연구동향
 4. 결론


  • 나계연 Na Gye-Yeon. 정회원, 충주대 건축공학과 대학원 석사과정
  • 정유근 Chung Yu-Gun. 정회원, 충주대 건축공학과 조교수, 공학박사
  • 신동인 Shin Dong-In. 정회원, 충주대 건축공학과 정교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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