Demonstration Study of Solar Absorption Cooling System with Evacuated Tubular Solar Collector
This paper presents demonstration study results derived through field testing of a part load solar energized cooling system for the library of a cultural center building located in Gwangju, Korea. The area of demanded cooling for building was about 350m2. Solar hot water was delivered by means of a 200m2 array of evacuated tubular solar collector (ETSC) to drive a single-effect (LiBr/H2O) absorption chiller of 35kW nominal cooling capacity. During the demonstration tests,
operating conditions of the solar cooling system are established through modifications of the various control parameters.
Operation data for 10stable hours at a clear sky day during the summer season are achieved and analyzed for the verification of the availability, stability, and reliability of the present system.
1. 서론
2. 단일 진공관형 태양열 집열기
3. 태양열 냉․난방 및 급탕 시스템
3.1 대상건물
3.2 실증시스템 개요
3.3 제어 및 모니터링
4. 결과 및 고찰
4.1 냉방 일일 열성능
4.2 냉방 연속 열성능
5. 결론