Study on the Development of Materials Management System in Multi-Construction Sites
In current, the building construction has been mega-structured and more complicated, so it is strongly demanded for reducing the working duration. In order to accomplish this, it should be systematically planned for the working schedule of workers, building materials, and construction equipments. In the aspect of managing workers, building materials, and construction equipments, however, the deviation of the workers' attendance is large and the rate of working time is not continuous but intermittent.
The purpose of this study is to establish the materials management system for the concentrated management of multi-construction sites in the aspect of Multi-Construction Sites.
- Development of building materials, and construction equipments in multi-construction sites.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
2. 다수현장 자재관리 시스템의 개요
1) 시스템의 구성
2) 시스템의 기능
3. 다수현장 자재관리 시스템의 구축
1) 소인수 다수현장관리를 위한 자재관리 시스템의 초기화면
2) 다수현장 관리를 위한 자재관리 프로그램 입력
4. 다수현장 자재 및 장비 운용관리 시스템
4.1 메뉴 구성 및 기능설명
4.2 신규사용자등록 화면 및 기능설명
5. 결론