An Analytical Evaluation of the Joint Strength in Wall-slab Connection of SC Structure
SC(steel plate-concrete) structure is recently used in nuclear power structure because of its efficiency of construction. In this study, an analytical study to investigate the behavior and strength in wall-slab connection of SC structure was carried out. Finite element analysis
was performed and the result of the analysis was well matched with the experimental result. By varing the thickness of shear plate and friction coefficients and distance of applied load from the wall, the influence of the parameters on the joint strength and failure modes were examined. Finally. It was confirmed that the joint strength formula proposed in previous research gives conservative results.
1. 서론
2. 시험체의 종류 및 형태
2.1 시험체의 종류
2.2 시험체의 형태
2.3 사용재료의 특성
3. 실험방법 및 예상하중
3.1 실험측정 장치
3.2 실험방법
3.3 예상하중과 변위
4. 실험결과와 분석
4.1 균열 상황
4.2 하중-변위 분포
5. 접합부 전단력의 해석적 평가
5.1 실험 및 해석 값의 비교
5.2 시험체 파괴 모드
5.3. 접합부의 전단 거동특성
5.4 가력점 이동에 따른 파괴모드 및 내력파악
5.5 마찰계수 변화에 의한 최대 전단력 변화
5.6 플레이트 두께에 따른 최대 전단력
6. 결론