

전력선통신을 위한 시장 동향 및 발전 전망


Trends Research and Development View of Power Line Communication

김지호, 이향범

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



While going through economic development for several decades, Korea has become an industrialized country, and the development of industrial technology accelerated the advent of the information opportunity era. The recent information oriented society has brought forth the development of new information communication technology that enables anybody to obtain information easily and simply, and recently power line communication technology is being developed that allows the use of the existing power line networks as they are. Each advanced country that faced up to a riffle effect of power line communication technology that enables us to
obtain information easily anywhere at anytime is engaged in fierce competition to be a leader in this technology and to preoccupy the standardization of power line communication technology. At this point, this study is to help Korea take the lead in information communication technology by proposing a direction for the standardization that Korean power line communication technology needs to head for by identifying the trend of the worldwide of power line communication technology.


 I. 서론
 II. 전력선 통신의 개요 및 기술
  1. 전력선통신(PLC)의 장단점
  2. 전력선통신(PLC)의 기술
  3. 전력선통신(PLC)의 응용분야
 III. 전력선통신의 동향
  1. 전력선통신(PLC)의 기술동향
  2. 전력선통신(PLC)의 국내 상용화 현황
  3. 전력선통신(PLC)의 국외 상용화 현황
  4. 전력선통신(PLC)의 표준화동향
  5. 해외 전력선통신기술의 표준화 현황
  6. 국내 전력선통신기술 표준화 동향
 IV. 결론


  • 김지호 Ji-Ho Kim. 숭실대학교 전기공학부
  • 이향범 Hyang-Beom Lee. 숭실대학교 전기공학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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