

JPEG 압축 환경의 정보은닉에서 영상 질 저하 예측방법


The Method to Estimate Quality Degradation from Information Hiding in JPEG Compression Environment

최용수, 김형중, 이달호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In these days, compressed file is useful in internet environment and has many advantages. So a lot of data hiding algorithms works on JPEG compressed file. Of course they know basic rules of transformation and quantization and they utilize those rules to implement their programming. But most of them evaluate the affection of data hiding after data modification. We propose how to predict the affection of data modification in course of data hiding process.
Through some kind of experiments, several valuable facts are revealed which used in data hiding in compressed domain such as JPEG. These facts will improve existing data hiding algorithms (F3, F4 and F5 which including Matrix Encoding)[1],[5],[6].


 I. 서론
 II. 압축 데이터 변경 후 좋은 PSNR(Peak Signal to NoiseRatio)를 유지하기 위한 방법
  1. JPEG 압축과 양자화(Quantization)
 III. Simple Experiments
  1. AC 계수의 수정을 통한 양자화 테이블의 영향력 측정
  2. 실제 영상에서 AC 계수의 수정을 통한 양자화 테이블의영향력 측정
  3. 계수 변환의 크기 및 부호변화에 따른 양자화 테이블의영향력 측정
  4. 제안된 아이디어의 검증
 VI. 결론


  • 최용수 Yong-Soo Choi. 고려대학교 정보경영전문대학원
  • 김형중 Hyoung-Joong Kim. 고려대학교 정보경영전문대학원
  • 이달호 Dal-Ho Lee. 경원대학교 전자정보통신공학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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