

대규모 IP 네트워크에서 정책기반의 네트워크 제어방법 연구


A Policy-based Network Control Methodology for Large-scale IP Network

오준석, 손춘호, 김기웅, 이재진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Many different types of network equipments are deployed in a large-scale IP network. In this operating environment, network service providers suffer from difficulty in controlling various equipments simultaneously in case network faults happen in their overall or regional network due to physical link failure or abnormal traffic. This paper presents a policy-based methodology to control many different types of network equipments at the same time in abnormal cases. The key idea is that NMS(Network Management System) keeps vendor-neutral control policies in normal times and that when an abnormal case occurs in network, NMS transforms the selected policy into vendor-specific control commands and enforces them to various equipments simultaneously.


 I. 서론
 II. 관련연구
 III. 기술 분석
  1. 트래픽 제어 기술
  2. 정책 기반 제어방법
  3. 장비 구성방법
 IV. 네트워크 제어 방법
 V. 결론


  • 오준석 Junsuk Oh. KT 기술연구소
  • 손춘호 Choonho Son. KT 기술연구소
  • 김기웅 Kieung Kim. KT 기술연구소
  • 이재진 Jaejin Lee. KT 기술연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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