

개선된 Identity 기반의 브로드캐스트 암호화 기법


Improved Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption

김기탁, 박종환, 이동훈

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The primitive of Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption allows a sender to distribute session keys or messages for a dynamically changing set of receivers using the receiver's identity as a public key. We already know that the trade-off exists the efficiency between the public parameter size and the ciphertext size. So, if the ciphertext size is O(1) , then the public parameter size
may be O(n) . Some of IBBE scheme take the public parameters as input in decryption phase. Thus, a decryption device (or client) has to store the public parameters or receive it. This means that a decryption device (or client) has to have the proper size storage.
Recently, delerable proposed an IBBE which have the O(1) size ciphertexts and the O(n) size public parameters. In this paper, we present an IBBE scheme. In our construction the ciphertext size and the public parameter size are sub-linear in the total number of receivers, and the private key size is constant.


 I. Introduction
  1. Our Contribution
  2. Organization
 II. Preliminaries
  1. Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption
  2. Bilinear Pairing
  3. Correctness
 IV. Conclusion


  • 김기탁 Ki Tak Kim. 고려대학교 정보경영공학 전문대학원 석사과정 재학중
  • 박종환 Jong Hwan Park. 고려대학교 정보경영공학 전문대학원 박사과정 수료.
  • 이동훈 Dong Hoon Lee. 고려대학교 경제학과 학사 졸업


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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