

IMS 기반의 이종망간 데이터 이동성기술 적용방안 연구


A study on IP mobility for data service between heterogeneous networks based

김태완, 김희동, 남성용, 성민모

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The standardization for Seamless IP Mobility between heterogeneous networks is being progressed according to each specific purpose of the organizations such as ITU-T ((International Telecommunications Union– Telecommunication), 3GPP(3rd Generation
Partnership Project), IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force), and IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). [1] Specially VCC (Voice Call Continuity) for seamless voice continuity between heterogeneous networks using IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) of the next generation platform is being introduced into a few companies, and also MIH (Media Independent Handover)
and MIP (Mobile IP) for IP mobility between heterogeneous networks are being customized by their internal situation. This article describes the idea to support IP Mobility between heterogeneous networks in the network which IMS platform is deployed and only supports the mobility for the voice by the type of AS (Application Server).


 I. 서론
 II. IMS 기반의 Seamless IP Mobility
  2.1 이종망간 핸드오버 요구사항
  2.2 단말의 SIP 등록 및 핸드오버
  2.3 WiFi 존에서 시그널링 및 데이터 트래픽 경로
  2.4 WiFi존에서 셀룰러 영역으로의 핸드오버 절차
 III. 결론


  • 김태완 Tae-Wan Kim. LG데이콤 기술연구원
  • 김희동 Hee-Dong Kim. 한국외국어대학교 정보통신 공학과교수
  • 남성용 Sung-Yong Nam. LG데이콤 기술연구원
  • 성민모 Min-Mo Sung. LG 데이콤 기술연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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