

응급 구조 서비스를 위한 능동형 위치 검출시스템


An Active Location-Detecting System for an Emergency Rescue Service

오경환, 박재화, 이두수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, location based service(LBS) expended based on personal specialized service, however since commercialized GPS based emergency rescue service comes with shadow zone for GPS signal such as inside building, the accuracy and reliability are not guaranteed. Therefore to improve such problem, we propose an active location detecting algorithm using RFID-TAG and Yagiantenna.
To track the location of RFID-TAG where signal is generated, location tracking device in which Yagi-Antenna is installed moves around. Since directed wave and reflected wave co-exist during signal reception, final signal generated location is searched by setting up multiple of locations where signal can be generated on the map and moving location tracking device along minimum
length of path. The algorithm proposed in this paper was verified of its technical validity through simulator.


 I. 서론
 II. 본론
  1. 시스템 개요
  2. 안테나 인터페이스 모델링
  3. 동적 위치추적 알고리즘
 III. 시뮬레이션 결과
 IV. 결론 및 고찰


  • 오경환 Kyoung-Hwan Oh. 한양대학교 공과대학 전기공학과
  • 박재화 Jae-Hwa Park. 중앙대학교 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부
  • 이두수 Doo-Soo Lee. 한양대학교 공과대학 전기공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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