

晩明 小品文의 文體的 特徵 硏究 - 담론의 문체화라는 관점을 중심으로


만명소품문의 문체적 특징 연구 - 담론의 문체화라는 관점을 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The cultural, social, political and economic changes of the late Ming China(明) Caused big effects on the discoursing recognizability of the Chinese Gentry(紳士). These changes of the late Ming China(明) let them have both falsehood consciousness (Falsches Bewubtsein) for commercial culture and self-consciousness can be called discovery of themself. The duplex configuration of consciousness made them do various experimental writings or the writing of centrifugal tendency disjointing classical literary tradition in creating the Classical Essay(Xiao Pin Wen ‘小品文’) with classical literary Chinese. By the way, the writing of centrifugal tendency in creating experimently the Classical Essay(Xiao Pin Wen ‘小品文’) constantly was being restricted by the system of filtering out anything out of the Utopian symbolism of literary Chinese, or by the describing system that is not describing one's speaking sequentially according to time but that is presenting symbolically and visually. As a result, the Classical Essay(Xiao Pin Wen ‘小品文’) became both characteristical literary style using various issues and subjects and the style that seek cultural accomplishment, and to fragment into the scenes as destroying standardized classical structure and style. The fragmented scenes was described delicately by metaphor or dialogue. The traditional literary style was mixed or replaced one another, while The style of playing spatiality through the literally or phonologic pun had been brought to light in creating the Classical Essay(Xiao Pin Wen ‘小品文’). This is the result from literary styling of the discoursing recognizability of the Chinese Gentry(紳士).


1. 문제제기 - 담론의 문제촤
 2. 만명 문인층의 담론과 문언문
 3. 개성과 교앙의 문체
  1) 개성의 표출 - 소재와 주제의 다변화
  2) 교양의 유지
 4. 공간성의 유희
  1) 정형화된 양식의 파기와 단편화
  2) 당면화와 집중 서술 - 對話體와 譬喩의 활용, 묘사의 섬세화 
  3) 양식의 混用과 轉用
  4) 문자적 혹은 음운론적 유희 0 말장난(pun)의 활용
 5. 나가며


  • 한종진 서울대학교 박사과정 수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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