

독일의 산업안전보건제도의 개관에 관한 연구


The Study on the Outline of industrial Safety and Health System in Germany


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Amidst the rapid progress of the present industrialized society, measures for safety and health of laborers in every industrial front have come to the foreground of concerns for all. The issues of industrial safety and health shall be taken care actively and cooperatively not only by the government but also by both labor and management as well as in a bid to protect the life and health of laborers and to sharpen competitiveness of enterprises.
In Germany, for instance, industrial safety and health is stipulated to be one of the requirements that should be met forcibly and obligatorily by the concerning law within the framework of the system for industrial safety and health. First of all, the German system is characterized by giving clear assignments to the propulsive bodies of industrial safety and health and ensuring mutual cooperation in the business circles practically and legally. Foundation has been laid to bear effects of industrial safety and health to the maximum by guaranteeing close cooperation among the supervising agencies for labor and public organizations and cooperations, between public agencies and employers, public agencies and employees' councils, employers and employees' councils, and among public agencies, employers and employees' councils. Since the individual business location is the unit where all sorts of regulations, particularly those governing industrial safety and health, are practically applied, active cooperation and participation of labor and management can be said to be essential to successfully achieving the objective of industrial safety and health.
It is hard to define every detail of the things concerned with industrial safety and health in the legal provisions in the complicated, versatile, economic and industrialized society like today. It is clear, though, that the objective of industrial safety and health can't be realized just by stressing the fact that employers are solely responsible to satisfy the legal conditions for industrial safety and health. It is therefore requested to guarantee in systematic terms that measures for industrial safety and health can be flexibly and creatively concretized through participation and cooperation of labor and management on the basis of the principles that are derived from the laws worked out by the state or government. It is only then possible to heighten the effects of measures to prevent industrial accidents and occupational diseases as well as to protect physical and mental health of laborers who usually are placed in poor status socially and economically.


I. 문제의 제기
 II. 산업안전보건의 의의와 체계
  1. 개념
  2. 체계
 III. 산업안전보건의 담당기관과 역할
  1. 국가의 역할과 과제
  2. 재해보험기관의 역할과 과제
  3. 의료보험기관의 과제와 역할
  4. 문제점
 IV. 사업장 차원의 산업안전보건제도
  1. 사용자의 책임과 협력
  2. 근로자들의 협력의무
  3. 사업장 내의 산업안전보건기구
 V. 결론


  • 이희성 Lee, Hee-Soung. 원광대 법학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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