

A New Kind of Secure Electronic Communication Technology VT Position Code Communication Technology and Its Implementation



Eelectronic device technology has been monopolized by binary system for many years. The circs not only makes it impossible to break through the existing technology bottleneck, but also brings a lot of potential safety problems. Aiming at this question, a new electronic communication technology is presented in this paper. The technology quantifies the time axis and the voltage axis synchronously, uses the quantified time dot as the address of the communication, and realizes the transmission of the multi-system [1] data via transmitting the multi-steps voltage quantification. The technology solves the bottleneck problem of the speed, circuit and electromagnetism in the electronic communication, changes the binary system coding mode and communication connection form of the electronic device, reduces the transmission quantity of the redundant information, advances the security of electronic system and network, debases the complexity of the devices connection, enhances the rate of the processing and the transmission, simplifies the transformation between the difference protocols. The experimental results approve the validity and the robustness of the technology.


 1. Introduction
 2. The principle of the VT position code communication technology
 3. The implement method of VT position code communication technology
  3.1. The coder and decoder of VT position code communication technology
  3.2. The module of digital signal turn VT code and the module of VT code turn digitalcode
  3.3. CPU and IC of VT position code communication technology
  3.4. VT position code communication technology network
 4. The experiment and results of the second-step VT position codecommunication technology
  4.1. The research production of the second-step VT position code communicationtechnology
  4.2. Performance analysis
 5. Conclusions and further work
 6. References


  • Shi-Ying Zhou College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University
  • Gui-He Qin College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University
  • Yang Xun Computer Science Department, Jining College
  • Yu-Bo Jin College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University


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