

모더니즘, 미국시, 이미지[즘], 도시 - 김기림 시론과 시학


Modernism, American Poetry, Imagism, City : Kim Ki Rim's Poetry and Poetics


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As a comparative study of Anglo-American and Korean modernisms, this essay posits whether Kim Ki Rim's Koreanized appropriation of Anglo-American modernism is successful. Rather than seeing his poetry and poetics as coming purely from the tradition of British poetry, I argue that he is genuinely affected by American poems and poets. Discussing the poems of Ezra Pound, H. D., William Carlos Williams, E. E. Cummings, and Kim's translations and adaptations of them, I trace the impact of Anglo-American literary modernism on Korean and deal with their visual images and imagism. As in the Imagist appropriation of the Orient, Kim's appropriation of Anglo-American modernism, as an occidentalist, is an exploration of the exotic to flourish Korean national literature. For Kim, the picturality in a poem is quite important, and I try to seek the ties between poetry and picturality/paintings, borrowing the notions of Jacques Derrida and Charles Altieri. Actually, following the modernist rejection of Romantic and Victorian tradition, Kim accepts experimental poetics based on visual elements not on auditory. Even while he adopts “dry and hard” masculine modernism, he is lingering in the imaginary―more exactly urban imaginary―to sustain himself in the modern metropolitan city. A sentimental, lyric self in him brings about a perpetual “make it new” in Korean modernism.


I. 영미모더니즘의 도입 - 미국시와 김기림 모더니즘
 II. 도시와 기계문명
 III. 이미지와 시의 회화성
 IV. 상상계속의 서정적, 감성적 자아


  • 장근영 Geun Young Jang. 성공대회대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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