

Analysis of Traffic Splitting Mechanisms for 2D Mesh Sensor Networks



For many applications of sensor networks, it is essential to ensure that messages are transmitted to their destinations within delay bounds and the buffer size of each sensor node is as small as possible. In this paper, we firstly introduce the system model of a mesh sensor network. Based on this system model, the expressions for deriving the delay bound and buffer requirement bound are presented using network calculus theory. In order to balance traffic load and improve resource utilization, three traffic splitting mechanisms are proposed. And the two bounds are derived in these traffic splitting mechanisms. To show how our method applies to real applications, we conduct a case study on a fresh food tracking application, which monitors the food freshness status in real-time during transportation. The numerical results show that the delay bound and buffer requirement bound are reduced while applying traffic splitting mechanisms. Thus the performance of the whole sensor network is improved with less cost.


 1. Introduction
 2. Network calculus theory
 3. Mesh sensor networks
  3.1. System model
  3.2. Traffic model
 4. Analysis of traffic splitting mechanisms
  4.1. Non-traffic-splitting scenario
  4.2. Traffic splitting mechanisms
  4.3. End-to-end delay bounds
 5. A case study and numerical results
  5.1 A case study
  5.2 The cluster-tree sensor network
  5.3 Numerical results
 6. Conclusions
 7. References


  • Huimin She Dept. of ECS, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Zhonghai Lu Dept. of ECS, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Axel Jantsch Dept. of ECS, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Li-Rong Zheng Dept. of ECS, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Dian Zhou ASIC & System State Key Lab., Dept. of Microelectronics, Fudan University, China


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