


인간중심시대에서의 회화(繪畵)장르의 예술적 기능


The Artistic Function of the Picture in the Ages of Humanism


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This papers is for our Understanding of the artistic role of the picture in the ages of humanism. The Ages of humanism in Europe began with the movement of the Renaissance in th 14~16 Centuries. In the case of East Asia it arrived roughly in the Yuan dynasty(1279~1368) the process changed in the pictures in the East and The West began with the descriptions of the transcendental beings, such as God, angels, heroes and heroines, and their world or the mythical and historical events, developed to the representation of the citizens'world and life by way of historical figures'portraits, their realities of life, and their world. The periodical characteristic of the humanism dayes in the description of man's life and his world was based on the artist's introduction of the perspective which appeared on the process of Renaissance movement. The Perspective appeared in the Italian region in the 15~18 Centuries, and spreaded out to the Europe and the East Asia. The direction of the artistic's description in the humanism dayes was concretized into the surrealism by way of realism based in material world. The material world is the place where human beings exist as a creature, so that the material world in the humanism days can not but be the biggest object of attention to human beings. The picture is the artistic genre to express the colors and shapes of beings which make up the material world human beings can be the creature imprisoned by the colors of shapes of beings. In that meaning, human beings can not but pay attention to those of beings which are the objects for artist to be expressed. The human being's aesthetic expression can be his action of expressing those of the objects which he recognize in order to solve his desire suppressed indirectly. The artistic function of the picture can be arranged as the following. It is first of all to have man establish the idealistic relationship between him and his world by translating God's perspective into man's. In that sence the picture can be the artistic genre to perform its role to have man enjoy the meaning of his existence by expressing his visual objects which make up the basis of his being in the terms of solving his want supressed.


  1. 연구목적
  2. 연구대상과 연구사
  3. 방법론
 제1장 인간중심시대의 도래 경위와 미술장르의 성립
  1. 인간중심시대의 도래 경위
  2. 르네상스운동과 르네상스미술
  3. 원근법과 원근법의 보편화
 제2장 회화장르와 리얼리즘과의 관계
  1. 회화장르의 전개양상
  2. 리얼리즘의 성립
  3. 리얼리즘시대 회화장르의 전개양상
 제3장 회화의 예술적 기능
  1. 인간중심시대 인간의 존재 방식
  2. 인간중심시대 예술의 역할
  3. 회화장르의 예술적 기능


  • 김채수 Kim, Chae-Su. 고려대학교 일어일문학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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