


동아시아의 대장장이 신화 연구 - 한, 중, 일, 베트남 설화를 중심으로 -


A study on the Blacksmith Myths of East Asia - Focusing on Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnam Folktales -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to reconstruct the common "blacksmith culture" of East Asia by focusing on myths of blacksmiths containing historical accounts of the identification of kings or shamans. Myths from four different countries, Korea, China, Japan and Vietnam, have been selected as the object of research because these four countries belong to a common cultural sphere with a common literary language, classical Chinese, and a common religion, Buddhism. This study reveals the base of the blacksmith myth types which, except for the myth of Seok Talhae, have not yet been examined in depth. From this perspective the study expands to include Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese mythology and classifies the different types of East Asian blacksmith myth. The ubiquitous, common feature that appears in the blacksmith myths of all four countries is that the blacksmiths are alchemists of the spirit, that is to say, shamans. This study also reveals that the blacksmith god in all four countries and also in Mongolia has a close affinity with children, who are connected with iron ore, which was represented symbolically as a child. Furthermore, in accordance with the different cultural individuality of each country, the blacksmith appears as a king, an avatar of love, or a sacred goddess, thus reflecting the consciousness of the feminine principle of the people from each of the countries. The most noteworthy achievement of this study is its demonstration of the affinity between the cultures of Korea and Vietnam. There are many common features in Korean masked dance (talchum) and Vietnamese traditional drama, and also in the genre of mythology, Korean 'shaman ancestor' (mujo) myths bear a close resemblance to those of Vietnam in terms of structure. Deeper comparative research into the culture and literature of Korea and Vietnam is urgently required.


1. 머리말
 2. 동아시아 대장장이 신화의 잔상(殘像)
  2.1 한국의 대장장이
  2.2. 중국의 대장장이
  2.3 일본의 대장장이
  2.4 베트남의 대장장이
 3. 대장장이 신화에 나타난 원형 상징
  3.1 동자형(童子型)
  3.2 거인형(巨人型)
  3.3 외눈형, 외다리형, 외팔이, 외뿔형
  3.4 金氏姓型
  3.5 여신(女神)형
  3.6 괴기형(怪奇型)
 4. 대장장이 신성(神性)의 보편적 성격과 이질성
 5. 맺음말


  • 강은혜 Kang, Eun-Hae. 계명대학교 한국어문학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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