

韓國 : 기획논문

일제강점기 잡지를 통해 본 당시 동양철학의 현황


The Status of Eastern Philosophy in Korea Examined through Magazines during the Rule of Japanese Imperialism




Eastern philosophy in Korea, an existing traditional thought, during the rule of japanese imperialism was looking for a way to set up the subject of Chosun that lost its national sovereignty. Research of Eastern philosophy in Korea during the rule of Japanese imperialism was not active as it was overwhelmed by the predominant Western philosophy. Following is the trend of research of Eastern philosophy during the rule of Japanese imperialism examined through magazines. At the early days of the rule of Japanese imperialism, the Western philosophy was accepted as well as the Eastern philosophy in Korea, the existing values, was reflecting on itself. Since then until 1920s, researches about various themes were tried to find the identity and course of Eastern philosophy in Korea. Then the research of Eastern philosophy in Korea began in 1920s and tended to be unified under the category of Chosunhak(朝鮮學) that was prevalent in 1930s. Much of the findings of Eastern philosophy in Korea was released through magazines(or newspapers) at that time when there was no professional journals. Especially much of the findings of Silhak(實學) and Yang Ming Xue(陽明學) was released through magazines, suggesting that magazines at that time played not a little role as a field of communication between philosophy and the mass. To understand more synthetically the trend of Eastern philosophy in Korea during the rule of Japanese imperialism of which the examination is insufficient compared to the contemporary Western philosophy, it might be necessary not only to investigate through magazines, but to excavate the Eastern philosophers in Korea during the rule of Japanese imperialism to arrange their writings, articles and academical annals systematically.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 잡지를 통해 본 일제강점기 동양철학의 현황
  2.1 일제강점기 동양철학의 사상적 비중과 성격
  2.2 일제강점기 시대별 동양철학 관련기사 분포
  2.3 일제강점기 동양철학 관련기사의 주제
  2.4 일제강점기 동양철학 연구의 주체와 연구경향
 3. 맺음말


  • 이상린 Yi, Sang-Lin. 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 연구교수, 동양철학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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