

<특집> 환동해 선사시대 문화교류

기원전 2000년경 해수면 상승에 대한 고고학적 검토 - 남해안지역을 중심으로 -


The Archaeological Review of the Sea Level's Rising around 2000 B.C. in East Asia


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



On examination of the Shell Mounds of Southern Korea in the Neolithic Age, we've often found out some evidence about the sea level's rising from the past. That is, in the case of the Shell Mounds at the shore, there were not only the union but the layer of abrasion shell between the treasure of the highest and the lowest, also we can discover the layer's disturbance phenomena such as submarine deposits. This is a research that have reviewed some examples on the remains of the sea level's rising focused on the Dongsamdong Site, and then through it I analogize when the sea level's rising happened and how big it progressed. As a result, I can make sure that the sea level's rising was happened by the Bonggyeri type Pottery recorded as the later of the Neolithic Age and Yijung Guyeon Pottery recorded as the last of it chronologically in the southern coast over those two periods. That period came under 4,300 B.P. and 4,000 B.P. according to absolute epoch, the seashore gravel layer was built up to the maximum 8.63m above sea level in the case of the latter. Also it's judged that the maximum sea osmosis gave an effect on the greatest surviving height, 13m above sea level, of the Dongsamdong Site. In view of the results so far achieved, I confirmed that there was the same situation during the similar times after comparing with one of Japan and Balhae's historic sites. It coincided with the cold current from the movement of the Alps glacial period, too. Therefore, it's the greatest sea level's rising followed by global warming since the postglacial period, it's expected not the local happening but the global warming in the southern Korea. At the same time, the Shell Mounds of Nongsori in Kimhae-3,440 B.P.-considered as the last step of pottery with double mouth rim was formed in the sub-zero sea level, reversely as coming to this time, global cooling was coming along and then it made sea level much lower than now. Finally this Environmental change brought about the erosion of Neolithic Age's culture, which was self-supporting economy, as changing into cultivation culture in order to adapt this new environment effectively it moved into the era of patternless earthenware.


I. 머리말
 II. 문제의 제기
 III 동삼동유적에서 나타나는 해수면 상승의 흔적
  1. 동삼동유적의 성격과 조사내용
  2. 층위의 구성과 해수면 상승흔적
  3. 유구와 출토유물의 성격
 IV. 해수면 상승의 양상과 전개
  1. 해수면 상승에 대한 타 사례의 검토
  2. 해수면 상승으로 나타나는 유적의 양상
 V. 해수면 상승의 시기 검토
 VI. 맺음말


  • 이동주 Lee, Dong-Ju. 동아대학교 고고미술사학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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