The Effect of Ego-resilience Based on the Youth's Participation in Leisure Activity on Suicidal Risk
This study is purposed to find out objectively effect of ego-resilience based on youth's participation in leisure on suicidal risk and provide clue to solution of youth suicidal risk, serious social problem.For achieving this purpose, we tried to find out that specifically what kind of sub-factor(human relation, vitality, emotion control, curiosity, positiveness) according to youth's leisure activity participating(whether participating or not, type of participation, degree of participation: period, frequency, strength,) takes influence on which sub-factor of suicidal risk(hostility, negative self-evaluation, suicidal accident, despairing sense). This study was proceeded with focusing on multivariate analysis(MANOVA), analysis of variance (ANOVA), correlation analysis. Demographical variables of youth used to study were surveyed total 16 schools from 4 regions comprising each 2 schools of middle school and high school selected from each of 4 regions in Seoul(based education authorities: Gangnam, Gangdong, Gangbuk, Gangseo). And by reviewing collected response to questionnaire, statistical processing was made for the object of 1,504 students excluding those with omitted data or insincere patterned response and study result as follows was obtained. Its result is as follows. Difference in Ego-Resilience and Suicidal Risk is like the following.1. Students who participate in leisure activities are turned out to have higher ego-resilience. Also, the closest companion of leisure activity seems to be neighborhood peer group, the most energetic participant companion seems to be school clubs, and the most interesting companion turned out to be social organizations. 2. Correlation between youth's self resilience(human relation, vitality, emotion control, curiosity, positiveness) and suicidal risk(hostility, negative self-evaluation, suicidal accident, despairing sense) is as follows. Sub-factor of ego-resilience was found to make negative and static influence on suicidal risk. That is, vitality and positiveness were found to make negative influence to all of sub-factors of suicidal risk, and human relation making negative influence on hostility and negative self-evaluation variables of suicidal risk, and emotional control making negative influence on all of sub-factors excluding negative self-evaluation. But curiosity was found to make static influence on hostility, suicidal accident, despairing sense of sub-factors of suicidal risk excluding negative self-evaluation.
서 론
1. 조사대상
2. 측정도구
3. 설문지 구조의 타당성 검증
4. 자료처리
1. 청소년의 여가활동 참가에 따른 자아탄력성 비교
2. 청소년의 여가활동 참가에 따른 자살위험성 비교
3. 자아탄력성과 자살위험간의 관계
논 의