

웨이트 트레이닝과 스위스 볼 트레이닝이 중년여성들의 하지근력과 평형성에 미치는 영향


The Effects of Weight Training and Swiss Ball Training on Lower Limbs Muscular Strength and Balance in Middle aged Women

김재홍, 이장규, 장석암

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this investigation is to examine the effect of 12-weeks long weight training and Swiss ball training on the muscular strength and the balance of lower limbs for middle aged women. Twenty four samples were divided into three groups of eight: control group, weight training group and swiss ball group. The data including th strength of the lower limbs, the height of the vertical jump and the balance of each subjects was recorded and analysed. In conclusion, the effect of the training on each ability was as follows: 1. Isokinetic muscle function test(60°/sec) Extension(left) peak toque: there was in the significant difference measurement period and interaction(p<.05). Flexion(left) peak toque: groups, measurement period and interaction showed significant difference during the test(p<.01). Flexion(right) peak toque: Groups and measurement period showed significant difference during the test(p<.05). Flexion(left) peak toque % Body Weight: Groups showed significant difference during the test(p<.01). Flexion(right) peak toque % Body Weight: Groups showed significant difference during the test(p<.01). 2. Vertical jump test: There was significant difference in the measurement period and interaction(p<.05). 3. Balance test: groups showed significant difference during the test(p<.01).


 서 론
  1. 연구대상
  2. 실험도구
  3. 훈련방법
  4. 측정방법
  5. 자료처리
  1. 등속성 근 기능검사 측정결과
  2. 수직점프 측정결과
  3. 평형성 측정결과
 논 의
  1. 하지 근력의 변화
  2. 수직점프의 변화
  3. 평형성의 변화
 결론 및 제언


  • 김재홍 Kim, Jae-Hong. 단국대학교(Dankook Univ.)
  • 이장규 Lee, Jang-Kyu. 단국대학교(Dankook Univ.)
  • 장석암 Jang, Seok-Am. 단국대학교(Dankook Univ.)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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