A Study on the Korean Speech Act of Apology in the University Community
The purpose of this study is to examine one aspect of Korean for Academic Purposes (i.e., academic Korean language and culture at university level). Korean language learners in the university setting have difficulty studying their academic disciplines using university- level advanced Korean, coupled with their unfamiliarity with Korean university culture. It is a challenge for them to use Korean appropriately in relation to other people and various situations they are faced with during the campus life. Therefore, it is important for them to understand the Korean language and culture as used in the Korean university community in order to have a successful academic life on campus. This study analyzes the speech act realization of apology in Korean by native Korean speakers with that by native Malaysian learners of Korean in the Korean university community. An analysis of the data collected via a discourse completion test shows that there was not much difference between the two groups in terms of the frequency of strategies used. A further analysis of the speech act realization, however, shows a lack of grammatical accuracy in the Korean learners' data. This study is expected to contribute to better understanding of how Korean learners at university level function in academic language and culture and designing of a more sociopragmatically sensive instructional approach.
2. 이론적 접근 및 연구사
3. 연구 설계 및 제한점
3.1. 연구 대상
3.2. 연구의 과제
3.3 연구 방법 및 제한점
4. 연구 방법
4.1. 화행 수집 도구(담화 완성형 설문지, DCT)
4.2. 담화 완성형 설문지(DCT) 변수(variable) 구성
5. 사과 화행 전략
1. 명백한 사과 표현하기
2. 책임 인정하기
3. 문제 해결 의지 보이기
4. 재발 방지 약속하기
5. 청자에게 관심 갖기
6. 설명하기
7. 사과표현 강화하기
8. 사과 부담 약화하기
6. 상황에 따른 사과 화행 전략 분석
7. 결론 및 제언
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