

제5차 학술대회 기조강연과 주제발표

쿠레레(Currere) 방법을 적용한 한국어 문화교육- 그 이론과 실제 -


Teaching the Korean Language and Culture through the Method of Currere - its Theory and Application


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is an experimental attempt which tries to apply the method of Currere to teaching the Korean language and culture to learners of Korean as a second language at university level. In order to achieve the goal, the author reviews the history and the theoretical basis of Currere which is first launched by W. Pinar and M. Grumet in the States. The paper then deals with the ways how the theory and method of Currere can be applied in Korean language and culture classes with the theme "the traditional Korean house". The paper presents that the four stages of Currere, i.e. regressive, progressive, analysis and synthesis, and the autobiographical method of Currere which are implemented in teaching the Korean culture to foreign learners of the Korean language have the following merits; Firstly, it makes possible a learner-centered education and an process-centered education. Secondly, it urges the learners to compare the culture of the target language with his/her native culture. Thirdly, it reduces the feeling of cultural deprivation among the learners. Its application however has some demerits that it is hard to apply the method of Currere correctly and exactly in second language teaching, that its application consumes much more time than the conventional ways of teaching, and that it is a difficult task to lay bare and share one's personal experience publicly in a classroom with others. But as the merits taken out of the application of Currere are much bigger than the demerits, the author maintains that Currere is worth being applied in teaching the Korean language and culture to leaners of Korean as a second
language. (Sangmyung University)


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 쿠레레 교육과정
  2.1. 쿠레레의 의미
  2.2. 경험으로서의 쿠레레
  2.3. 쿠레레와 문화교육
 3. 한국어 문화 수업에 쿠레레 방법의 적용
  3.1. 교수 학습 방법
 4. 맺는말
 참고 문헌


  • 최권진 Gwon-Jin, Choi. 상명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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