

제5차 학술대회 기조강연과 주제발표

한국어 교육에서의 문화적 능력의 평가- 말하기 평가를 중심으로 -


Test of Cultural Competence in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language: Focusing on Speech test


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper presents a study on the test of cultural competence in Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language(TKFL) focusing on speech test. The purpose of this study is to develop and suggest a sample of useful test tool sets for evaluating the cultural competence of Korean learners. The research is composed of 4 chapters. The first chapter presents the purpose and the theoretical background of this study. The second chapter focuses on the definition and the range of cultural education and cultural competence in relation with TKFL. The third chapter is composed of three sub-chapters which show, 1) the sub-categories composing the constructs of the cultural competence test tool: politeness, formality, register, kinesics, cultural background knowledge, cultural expressions, and task function accomplish- ment competence, 2) the contents of the test tool in detail, and 3) samples of the cultural competence test tool sets according to the levels of proficiency focusing on Korean speech test. In the last chapter a brief summarization of this study is made and some suggestions are offered to complete the study.


1. 서론
 2. 문화 교육과 문화적 능력
  2.1. 한국어 교육과 문화 교육
  2.2. 문화적 능력과 평가의 범위
  2.3. 문화적 능력 평가의 비중
 3. 문화적 능력의 평가
  3.1. 평가 범주
  3.2. 평가 내용
  3.3. 평가의 실제
 4. 마무리
 참고 문헌


  • 한상미 Sang-mee, Han. 연세대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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