

제5차 학술대회 기조강연과 주제발표

한국어 문화교육과 차이의 문화학- <미녀들의 수다>를 통해 본 언어문화교육의 내용론


Cultural Difference in Education of Korean Language and Culture: Minyeodrui Sooda(Chattering of The Beauties)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Minyeodrui Sooda(Misooda) is a talk show program of KBS(Korean Broadcasting System) started at 2006. It is a program that foreign women who live in Korea talked together on the Korea and Korean cultures. The levels of Korean language use of them are various, but the experiences of living in Korea are all enough. Misooda is a very popular program in Korea. It's popularity depends on the contents, the expressions, the roles of speaker and listener and the contexts of dialogue.(In this point, it is similar to general communication model.) Korean television viewers laugh on, evaluate and sympathize to performer's chat during program. It depends on the relationship between foreign performers and Korean viewers. Misooda had taken enquetes on difficulties of learning Korean language for foreigners at 2007 August. As a result, it was ranked the 1st to Konglish(Korean style English dialect) use, the 2nd to the methods of naming a person, and the 3rd to complicated honorific. This result is to come out from the experiences of living in Korea as a stranger. Education of language and culture aims to improve the communicative skills of foreign language users on the surface. However, the in-depth goal is to improve the abilities of understanding cross-culture and to enlarge the multi-cultural vision of both of teachers and learners. The education of Korean language and culture must try to deepen comprehensions between Korean and foreigner as a Korean language and culture's owner. It can be selected to contents of education onto Korean language and culture by contents based, supplier based and user based methods. During that time the Korean language education has been taught in contents/ supplier oriented methods, but it needs to have more consideration on the user oriented method. The Korean language education is a sort of recursive and mutual process because we could reflect on myself through the other's sight. Also, the many sides of language culture education would change founded on the improvement of education of Korean language and culture like this.


1. 머리말- '한국어 세계화'의 두 함의
 2. 미녀들의 수다 를 보는 시간
  2.1. 미수다의 콘셉트
  2.2 미수다가 주는 재미와 그에 대한 반응
  2.3. 미수다가 다룬 한국어 학습의 어려움
 3. 미녀들의 수다 와 언어문화교육 내용론의 접근 방법
  3.1. 언어문화교육의 표층 목표와 심층 목표
  3.2. 언어문화교육 내용 구조화의 방법
 4. 맺음말 - 문화 차이와 상호적 언어문화교육


  • 김창원 Chang-won, Kim. 경인교육대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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