

First Language Transfer in Pragmatic Use by Second Language Speakers


Euen Hyuk (Sarah) Jung, Young Jae Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since the focus on linguistic competence shifted to communicative competence, extensive research has examined L2 learners’ performance of speech acts including refusals. As refusals are considered a major cross-cultural sticking point for many nonnative speakers, active research has been conducted on the refusal patterns of these speakers. However, few studies have investigated refusal speech acts of Korean English as a foreign language (EFL)
learners. The few existing studies failed to account for different social values and norms of cultures when investigating refusal speech acts. The current study aimed to examine pragmatic transfer of L1 in the refusal speech act realizations of Korean EFL learners. Furthermore, the study examined the role of social distance in carrying out refusal speech acts by Korean EFL learners and native English speakers. Results showed both similarities and differences in refusal
strategy use by Korean EFL learners and native English speakers, but more distinct differences between the two groups were evident in the use of refusal strategies. Sociocultural values and norms embedded in Korean culture were also found to be present in Korean EFL learners’ speech act performances.


 1. Introduction
 2. Refusal Speech Acts
  2.1 Elicitation Instruments for Refusal Speech Acts
  2.2. Previous Research on Refusal Speech Acts
 3. Experiment
  3.1. Participants
  3.2. Materials
  3.3. Procedure
  3.4. Data Analysis
 4. Results and Discussion
  4.1. Overall Findings on Refusal Strategies
  4.2. Findings on Effects of Social Distance on Refusals
  4.3. Pragmatic Transfer
 5. Conclusion


  • Euen Hyuk (Sarah) Jung Yonsei University
  • Young Jae Kim Yonsei University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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