

Glides in Korean


Eun-Sook Kim, Misun Seo, John Stonham

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The status of glides in Korean has been a long-debated issue in the literature. Two main camps have arisen from the study of the glides: one advocates placing glides in the onset of the syllable and the other claims that the nucleus is the locus of glides. In this article we argue that the main cause of the controversy is the fact that glides are actually floating features that may link to the left or the right, depending on the context and some basic principles of association. Floating features are already well motivated in Korean in order to account for aspiration and tensification, so this analysis simply extends the principles already established. This provides us with a more succinct account of glides than previously proposed


 1. Introduction
 2. Korean Syllable Structure
 3. Duality of Glides
  3.1 Onset Properties
  3.2 Nuclear Properties
  3.3 Dual Properties: Phonotactic restrictions
 4. Analysis
  4.1 Floating Features in Korean
  4.2 Phonetic Evidence: Secondary Articulation
  4.3 A Reanalysis of Data Involving Glides
 5. Conclusion


  • Eun-Sook Kim Pusan National University, Hannam University and Pukyong National University
  • Misun Seo Pusan National University, Hannam University and Pukyong National University
  • John Stonham Pusan National University, Hannam University and Pukyong National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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