

고대영어동사의 위치와 도출구조


Verb Position and Clause Structure of Old English.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper concerns about how Old English constructions are derived from definitions such as LCA, specificity and C-features(V2) in the minimalist framework (Chomsky 2005, 2006). There are 5 sentence patterns in Old English, which makes it difficult to set up the basic clause
structure. Having presented arguments against the existing analyses such as the OV approach or the VO approach or the head parameter approach, this paper argues, on a variety of grounds, that 5 sentence patterns in Old English are actually derived from the interaction of minimalist definitions such as LCA, Specificity and C-features. Assuming Old English clause structure to be a single VP structure like [VP V ...] and modal verbs and main verbs in Old English to be occupied in the same V-position, I show that 5 construction patterns in Old English are the results
from the interactions of LCA(which makes modal verbs or main verbs move out of VP), V's specificity(which makes pronouns (object) raise to VP Spec) and C-features (which make objects to move to CP Spec). (Young San University)


 1. 서론
 2. 고대영어의 기본어순
  2.1 어순
  2.2 OV핵매개변인의 입장
  2.3 OV에서의 도출
 3. VO어순분석
  3.1 Roberts (1997), Nunes (2002)
  3.2 Roberts (1997) 분석의 문제점들
  3.3 Nunes (2002), Pintzuk (1999, 2002)
 4. LCA 방법
  4.1 TP의 존재
  4.2 고대영어의 도출구조
  4.3 고대영어구문의 도출
 5. 결론


  • 김대익 Kim, Dae-Ik. Kim, Dae-Ik.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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