

Strategy for Prevention of Weakly Flocculating Characters in Bottom Brewing Yeat Strains


Chul Cheong, Karl Weckerbauer, Soon Ah Kang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To prevent weakly flocculating characters of bottom brewing yeast during first fermentation, various technical investigations were carried out using strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It appeared that the propagation at 10℃ promoted the molecular structure and biochemical composition of cell wall in favor of flocculation. The yeast grown at 20℃ by addition of zinc ion also had a stimulating effect on flocculation behavior during first fermentation cycle. The zinc ion did not influence directly on the changes of cell wall in favor of stronger flocculence. The increased fermentation activity of yeast due to addition zinc ion was rather responsible for the intensified flocculation capacity. It was concluded that the weakly flocculating characters of bottom brewing yeast during first fermentation can be solved by using yeast propagated at 10℃ or by means of yeast by addition of zinc ion during propagation.


 Materials and Methods
  Strain of yeast 
  Propagation of yeast
  Viability assay
  Glycogen assay
  Hydrophobic interaction chromatography for flocculation (HICF) assay 
 Results and Discussion
  Influence of propagation step
  Influence of yeast crop
  Influence of incubation ratio
  Influence of temperature
  Influence of metal ions


  • Chul Cheong Department of Fermented Food science, Seoul National University
  • Karl Weckerbauer Department of Biotechnology, Technical University of Berlin
  • Soon Ah Kang Department of Fermented Food science, Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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