


인삼 및 인산제품류의 중금속 함량


Heavy Metal Contents in Ginseng and Ginseng Products

허수정, 김미혜, 박성국, 이종옥

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Contents of heavy metals, mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu), In ginsengs and ginsengs products their safety were evaluated using a mercury analyzer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer and Inductively coupled plasma spectrometer. Contents of heavy metals in ginsengs were [min-max(mean), mg/kg]; Hg 0.002-0.02(0.007), Pb 0.018-0.39(0.106), Cd 0.004-0.413(0.106), As ND-0.094(0.013), Cu 0.24-5.5(3.2), Mn 3.18-50.4(20.09), Zn 0.76-44.27(13.42). Ginseng products values were; Hg 0.0001-0.002(0.001), Pb 0.001-0.133(0.017), Cd ND-0.07(0.004) As ND-0.181(0.008), Cu ND-1.1(0.13), Mn 0.73-30.15(1.61). Zn 0.02-13.42(1.02), similar to those reported by other countries. Average weekly Intakes of Hg, Pb and Cd from ginseng and ginseng products were 0,003, 0.01 and 0,02% of provisional tolerable weekly intake established by FAO/WHO, respectively. Our result could be utilized as important references to establish the standard of lead in ginseng and ginseng products.


본 연구는 국내 유통 중인 인삼 및 인삼제품류 8종 100건에 대하여 중금속 함량을 조사 평가하고자 수행하였다. 유도결합 플라즈마분광기(ICP), 원자흡광광도계(AAS) 및 수은분석기 둥을 이용하여 납, 카드뮴 등 중금속을 측정하였다. 인삼(n=30) 중 납 등 중금속 함량은 다음과 같았다[min-mak(mean), 단위 mg/kg]. Hg은 0.002-0.02(0.007), Pb은 0.018-0.39(0.106), Cd은 0.004-0.413(0.106), As는 불검출 -0.094(0.013), Cu는 0.24-5.5(3.2), Mn 3.18-50.4(20.09), Zn은 0.76-44.27(13.42). 또한 인삼제품류 (n=70)에 대한 중금속 함량은 다음과 같았다[min-max(mean), 단위 mg/kg]. Hg은 0.0001-0.002(0.001), Pb은 0.001-0.133(0.017), Cd는 불검출 -0.181(0.008), Cu는 불검출 -1.1(0.13), Mn 0.73-30.15(1.61), Zn은 0.02-13.42(1.02). 본 연구결과, 우리나라 국민의 인삼 및 인삼제품류를 통한 수은, 납, 카드뮴 섭취량은 FAO/WHO에서 설정한 잠정주간섭취허용량의 0.003%, 0.01%, 0.02%로 매우 낮게 나타났다.


  • 허수정 Soo Jung Hu
  • 김미혜 Mee Hye Kim
  • 박성국 Sung Kug Park
  • 이종옥 Jong Ok Lee


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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