

탈지대두박에서 추출한 분리대두단백의 식품학적 성질


Functional Properties of Soy Protein Isolates Prepared from Defatted Soybean Meal

邊時明, 金哲鎭

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A laboratory study was made to develop a simple and economic model method for the systematic determination of functional properties of 'Soy Protein Isolates (SPI)' prepared from defatted soybean meal. These are required to evaluate and to predict how SPI may behave in specific systems and such proteins can be used to simulate or replace conventional proteins. Data concerning the effects of pH, salt concentration, temperature, and protein concentration on the functional properties which include solubility, heat denaturation, gel forming capacity, emulsifying capacity, and foaming capacity are presented. The results are as follows: 1) The yield of SPI from defatted soybean meal increased to 83.9 % as the soybean meal was extracted with 0.02 N NaOH. 2) The suitable viscocity of a dope solution for spinning fiber was found to be 60 Poises by using syringe needle (0.3 mm) with 15 % SPI in 0.6 % NaOH. 3) Heat caused thickening and gelation in concentration of 8 % with a temperature threshold of 70℃. At 8~12% protein concentration, gel was formed within 10~30min at 70~100℃. It was, however, disrupted rapidly at 125℃ of overheat treatment. The gel was firm, resilient and self-supporting at protein concentration of 14 % and less susceptible to disruption of overheating. 4) The emulsifying capacity (EC) of SPI was correlated positively to the solubility of protein at u=0. At pH of the isoelectric point of SPI (pH 4.6), EC increased as concentration of sodium chloride increased. Using model system, (mixing speed: 12,000 r.p.m., oil addition rate: 0.9ml/sec, and temperature : 20±1℃)the maximum EC of SPI was found to be 47.2 ml of oil/100 mg protein, at the condition of pH 8.7 and u=0.6. The milk casein had greater EC than SPI at lower ionic strength while the EC of SPI was the same as milk casein at higher ionic strength. 5) The shaking test was used in determining the foam-ability of proteins. Progressively increasing SPI concentration up to 5 % indicated that the maximum protein concentration for foaming capacity was 2 %. Sucrose reduced foam expansion slightly but enhanced foam stability. The results of comparing milk casein and egg albumin were that foaming properties of SPI were the same as egg albumin, and better than milk casein, particularly in foam stability.


동방유량(東邦流糧)에서 공급(供給)받은 저변성(低變成) 탈지대두박(脫脂大豆粕)을 0.02N NaOH액(液)으로 추출(抽出)하여 Soy Protein Isolate (SPI)의 수율(收率)을 증류수나 염용액(鹽溶液)으로 추출(抽出)할때 보다 높이는 과정(過程)(84 % 수율(收率))을 확립(確立)하였으며 제조(製造)된 SPI는 92.1 %의 단백질(蛋白質)을 함유(含有)하였다. SPI를 70℃에서 moisture heat를 하면 80분간(分間)에 5 %의 변성(變性)이 일어났으나 95℃에서는 20분(分) 처리(處理)에 의(依)하여 95 %의 변성(變性)이 일어났다. SPI의 alkali 현탄액 (dope solution)은 SPI의 농도(濃度) 15 %, NaOH 농도(濃度) 0.6 %일때 7분(分)만에 60 poises를 나타내고 계속 안정(安定)된 점도(粘度)를 유지하였다. NaOH의 농도(濃度)가 0.9 %일 때는 시간(時間)이 경과(經過)함에 따라 점도(粘度)는 증가(增加)하였다가 감소(減少)하는 경향(傾向)을 보였다. syringe needle (dia. 0.3 mm)로서 모의(模擬) 실험(實驗) 결과(結果) 점도(粘度)가 28℃에서 60 Poises일때 가장 적합한 단백질섬유(蛋白質纖維)의 texture를 보여주었다. 가열(加熱)에 의(依)한 SPI의 gelation은 8 %이상(以上)의 SPI농도(濃度)일 때 gel이 형성(形成)되기 시작하였으며 까지 안정(安定)한 gel을 형성(形成)하였고 SPI의 농도(濃度)가 12 %일때 120℃에서 30분(分) 가열(加熱)에 의(依)하여 20,000 Poises의 좋은 점도(粘度)를 가졌으나 120℃이상에서는 gel의 continuity가 떨어져 과립상(果粒上)의 gel이 생성(生成)되었다. SPI의 유화력(乳化力)은 pH가 8.7, NaCl의 농도(濃度)가 2 %일때 가장 큰 유화력(乳化力)을 나타냈다. milk casein과 비교(比較) 실험(實驗) 결과(結果) 유화력(乳化力)은 약간 낮았으나 염(鹽)이 존재(存在)하는 경우는 근사한 유화력(乳化力)을 보였다. 그러나 SPI의 foaming capacity는 foaming stability 면(面)에서 egg albumin이나 milk casein과 비교(比較)하여 양호(良好)한 결과(結果)를 보여주었다.


  • 邊時明 변시명. 한국과학원 생물공학과
  • 金哲鎭 김철진. 한국과학기술연구소, 식품공학연구실 (KIST)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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