

한국간장의 표준화 ; 제 1 보 메주와 개량국자에 의한 한국간장 제조시 성분변화에 관한 연구


Standardization of Korean Soysauce -Part I. Studies on the Changes of Components in the Process of the Conventional Soysauce and the Improved Soysauce Preparation-

李種珍, 高漢水

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The conventional meju samples were collected from various districts and the improved kokja were prepared in laboratory. The changes of components in the process of the conventional soysauce and the improved soysauce preparation was studied. The experimental results are as follows; 1. The conventional soysauce is less than the improved soysauce in the extent of utility of total nitrogen. 2. The former is less than the latter in amino-type nitrogen content.


  • 李種珍 이종진. 경희대학교 산업대학 식품가공학과
  • 高漢水 고한수. 삼양식품(주) 장유부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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