


경찰기능의 효율성 제고를 위한 경비기능의 민영화 방안


A Study on the Privatization of the Function Security to Improve Efficiency in Function of the Police


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The desires for safety of body and life can be said to be fundamental and natural in human beings. But the rapid industrialization and urbanization phenomena in our modern society is accelerating the treand for increasing diverse social pathology. Rise of serious crimes such as robbery and rape has already become an especially serious social problem and is at the point of threatening our welfare and social order. But the police, which is primarily responsible for the maintenance of welfare and social order of the public, is unable to respond actively to the increasing demand for policing due to the lack of available manpower and overwork. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to look for a plan to actively respond to the daily increasing outcry for law and order so that the public may maintain safe and happy lifestyles without the threat of crime. One concrete and practical strategy is to resolutely separate and transfer some of the many functions of the police that can be handled by citizen organizations to those groups so that the police can be relied upon to become functionally efficient. This will decrease the work of the police, thereby allowing the police to concentrate on its inherent responsibilities. As its primary example, 'transferring the function of security' of the police to the private security industry is suggested in this thesis.


  • 한흥태 Han, Heung Tai


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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