This paper chose the methods of methylesterification of the use of methoxide, the mixture solution of methanol-benzen-sulfuric acid in transesterification of the fat in cow's milk and modified powder milk and separated by gas liquid chromatography with F.F.A.P., D.E.G.A. as liquid phase. Quantitative analysis of the fatty acid of milk fat in cow's milk and modified powder milk was determined by gas liquid chromatography using the method of temperature programming which should be used to obtain satisfactory separation of short chain fatty acid on the chromatogram. It was found that the fatty acid composition of cow's milk and modified powder milk are all the major fatty acid of milk fat obtained by GLC analysis. Main components was found to be from butyric acid to arachidonic acid showing Fig. 3, 4, 5 and Table 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.