


우리나라의 效果的인 災難管理體制 構築方案에 관한 硏究


The Effective Policy for the Establishment of Disaster Management System in Korea

우리나라의 효과적인 재난관리체제 구축방안에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Many concerns have been raised for importance of disaster management after 1990's numerous urban disasters in Korea. When the primary function of government is to protect lives and property of citizens, disaster management should be included in the mainstream of public administration and many hazard countermeasures should be carried out for that purpose. The principal purpose of this research is to establish ways and means needed to improve the disaster management system in Korea. This paper is split into five chapters. Chapter I is the introduction part. Chapter II introduces the reader to a disaster management theory, and deals with various disaster management systems of foreign countries such as the U.S.A. and Japan, Chapter III describes and characterizes the Korea's current disaster management system. The Korean disaster management system has been reestablished through the enactment of the Disaster Management Act of 1995 and the full revision of Natural Hazards Management Act of 1995 after series of catastrophic man-made disasters since 1993. Chapter IV is devoted to the establishment of an effective disaster management system in Korea. In this chapter, I discusses measures needed to improve the quality of CDMB(Central Disaster Management Bureau)'s service to the people. I strongly reemphasize the effectiveness of a comprehensive risk-based, all-hazard national emergency management system that addresses preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. To that end the Administration should develop legislation, new policies, and organizational plans to invigorate the agency with a refocussed mission. Chapter V is a conclusion. As the demand for citizens'welfare has been continuously increased in the localization, the importance of disaster management is emerging subject in the public sector. The disaster management carries out complicated affairs and manages diverse objects, the cooperation/connection system of the central-local government and citizens, and non-governmental organization should be established.


  • 박동균 Park, Dong Kyun


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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