

Optimization of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Conditions for Production of Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptide from Casein




This study was carried out to investigate an optimum condition for the high angiotensin-l converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity and the yield on enzyme concentration, casein concentration, and hydrolysis time. The optimum condition was performed by response surface methodology for acquirement of casein hydrolysate of milk which shows high ACE inhibitory activity, Among 8 tested enzymes, Protamex showed the highest activation degree with 77.03 unit/g from casein. Their hydrolysis degrees of flovourzyme 500MG, protamex, mixture from 1% casein were 85.5, 88.5, and 93.5%, respectively. The ranges of enzyme concentration (0.25-1.25%), casein concentration (2.5-12.5%), and hydrolysis time (20-100 min) as 3 independent variables through preliminary experiments of the yield of casein hydrolysate and ACE inhibitory activity, and it shows optimum response surface at a saddle point. It shows enzyme concentration (0.64%), casein concentration (8.38%), and hydrolysis time (55.81 min) in the yield aspect and showed the highest activity at enzyme concentration (0.86%), casein concentration (5.97%), and hydrolysis time (63.86 min) in ACE inhibitory aspect. The R2 value of a fitted optimum formula on the hydrolysis yield was 0.9751 as the significant level of 1%. The R2 value of a fitted optimum formula on ACE inhibitory activity is 0.8398, and the significance is recognized in the range of 5%.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Do, Jeong-Ryong Korea Food Research Institute
  • Kim, Ki-Ju National Research Laboratory of Defense Proteins, College of Pharmacy, Pusan National University
  • Kim, Hyun-Ku Korea Food Research Institute
  • Kim, Young-Myoung Korea Food Research Institute
  • Park, Yeung-Beom Department of Food Processing and Bakery, Gangwon Provincial College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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