

Comparison of Physicochemical Properties of Korean and Australian Wheat Flours Used to Make Korean Salted Noodles


Kim, In-Sook, Binns, Colin, Yun, Hon, Quail, Ken, Lee, Chi-Ho

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The effect of using Korean wheat flour versus Australian wheat flour on noodle quality as a result of differing physical and chemical properties of the flours was investigated. The results provided appropriate technical information for selection of wheat varieties to produce high quality Korean salted noodles. Noodle quality was quantified based on measurement of the appearance and texture of noodles. When consumer preference tests were conducted, a firmer and more elastic texture was preferred for Korean white salted noodles, however, when appearance was included in the consumer tests, noodles made with Australian wheat were favored over Korean wheats. Korean flour was found to produce firmer and more elastic noodles, whereas Australian flour produced brighter, creamier colored noodles. In flour quality tests, Korean flours were found to have a higher setback viscosity and lower swelling power than Australian flour. Additionally, Korean flours had higher water absorption values. Protein content of flour was an important parameter affecting the firmness of Korean noodles, whereas setback viscosity and swelling power were the major determinants of elasticity. Overall, the important parameters for determination of the quality of Korean salted noodles were high setback viscosity, low swelling power, and high protein content.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Kim, In-Sook Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resource, Konkuk University
  • Binns, Colin School of Public Health, Curtin University of Technology
  • Yun, Hon BRI Australia
  • Quail, Ken BRI Australia
  • Lee, Chi-Ho Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resource, Konkuk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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