

Characterization of the Functional Properties of Soy Milk Cake Fermented by Bacillus sp.


Oh, Soo-Myung, Kim, Chan-Shick, Lee, Sam-Pin

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The mucilage production and tyrosine content in soy milk cake (SMC) fermented by Bacillus firmus NA-1, Bacillus subtilis GT-D, and B. subtilis KU-A was improved by fortification with 10% defatted soybean flour. The fibrinolytic activity and consistency of the SMC were drastically increased by solid-state fermentation for 1 day. However, the consistency of the fermented SMC gradually decreased during fermentation for 3 days. Furthermore, the tyrosine content of the freeze-dried powder of SMC fermented by three Bacillus sp. was 9 times higher than that of unfermented SMC. The soybean proteins, including the 7S and 11S subunits, were partially digested during alkaline fermentation, producing lower molecular-weight peptides. The fibrinolytic enzyme produced in SMC fermented by B. firmus NA-l and B. subtilis KU-A exhibited higher thermal stability than that of B. subtilis GT-D fermentation. The powder obtained from B. subtilis GT-D fermentation had an -amylase activity and lower consistency compared to those of B. firmus NA-1 and B. subtilis KU-A. In addition, this powder contained 6.3% moisture content, 27% crude protein content and 9 units of fibrinolytic activity and proteolytic activity.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Oh, Soo-Myung Department of Food Science and Technology, Keimyung University
  • Kim, Chan-Shick Faculty of Biotechnology, Cheju National University
  • Lee, Sam-Pin Department of Food Science and Technology, Keimyung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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