

Protoplast Preparation and Regeneration from Young Hyphae of the Citrinin Producing Fungus Monascus ruber


Norlha, Tenzin, Lee, In-Hyung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Optimized conditions for protoplast preparation and regeneration from young hyphae of Monascus ruber were established. Heat shock treatment of spores gave rapid and synchronized germination. Spores collected from cultures grown for 7-8 days at 30℃ were germinated until over 70% germ tubes reached to 3-5 spore length. Enzymatic digestion of young hyphae was optimal with 50 mg/mL Glucanex in 0.1 M sodium citrate buffer containing 0.8 M mannitol as an osmotic stabilizer. Regeneration rate was around 10% when 0.8 M sorbitol was used as an osmotic stabilizer in regeneration medium. These conditions will be applied in genetic study of M. ruber that produces citrinin at high level and thus is good model strain for molecular genetic dissection of citrinin biosynthesis.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Norlha, Tenzin Food & Life Sci. Major, Kookmin University
  • Lee, In-Hyung Food & Life Sci. Major, Kookmin University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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