

일본의 농촌관광의 거점시설 기능에 관한 연구


A Study on Function of Greentourism Core Facilities in Japan

이을규, 김준경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The roles and needs for the greentourism facilities require the associated functions and systems which can be determined from considering the existing successful facilities. Some of successful examples for the greentourism facilities in Japan have been investigated, and their functions and systems carefully examined. This paper is intended to provide a meaningful step for introducing and applying the functions and systems for the greentourism facilities in Japan to Korea. The facilities should support the greentourism that leads to the active cultural exchange between urban and rural areas. The required specific facilities are discussed in this paper. For newly developed facilities, restaurants, specialty stores, and hotels may be effective facilities for the greentourism. The design for the entire greentourism facilities should consider, for the development of the area, the several kinds of required functions of the greentourism, such as the travel guide center, the marketing center, the information center, the business center, the human resources center, and the environment conservation center.


 1. 序論
  1.1 연구배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구방법 및 범위
 2. 농촌관광 거점시설의 유형
  2.1 미치노에키
  2.2 농업공원 및 시민농원
 3. 각 거점시설의 현황 및 특징
  3.1「미하라시팜」2)(이후 M시설이라고 약칭)
  3.2 「쿠즈마키고원목장」3)(이후 K시설이라고 약칭)
  3.3 「아쿠티 숲」4)(이후 A시설이라고 약칭)
  3.4「파스칼키요미」5)(이후 P시설이라고 약칭)
  3.5「유라피아」6)(이후 U시설이라고 약칭)
  3.6「香木 숲 공원」7)(이후 H시설이라고 약칭)
  3.7「久万고원 후루사토여행촌」8)(이후 G시설이라고약칭)
  3.8「야치쿠후루사토촌」9)(이후 Y시설이라고 약칭)
  3.9 「전원플라자 카와바」10)(이후 J시설이라고 약칭)
 4 농촌관광 거점시설 주요기능 분석
  4.1 조사대상시설의 설립경위
  4.2 농촌거점시설 주요기능과 역할
  4.3 관리 및 사업운영 주체
 5. 결론


  • 이을규 Lee, Eul Gyu. 정회원, 한경대학교 건축학부 부교수
  • 김준경 Kim, Jun Kyung. 정회원, 한경대학교 건축학부 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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