

주민참여에 의한 문화ㆍ역사 마을가꾸기의 현황과 과제 - 충주 목계 문화・역사마을을 중심으로 -


State and Subject of the ' Recreating Cultural and Traditional Village' by the Inhabitants Participation - Focused on the Chungju Mokge Village -




This research is arranged that process and progress facts of ‘recreating cultural and traditional village' by the inhabitants participation that in the process during devised a planning of Chungju Mokge village the beginning in 2007. Also it is an investigation that process ' recreating cultural and traditional village' by the themselves through consideration and volition of inhabitants since the beginning stage to devised planning. The result of study are following; First, the inhabitants training inspired knowledge for this project and opened the eyes that themselves can sea it. According to it be foundation that inhabitants to bring their interest and participation of project in progress process. Second, The project were able to maintain transparency of public
finance that by common and open of all cooperation process of inhabitants, administration supporter and specialist.
And this is an important role about bring positive participation of inhabitants. Finally, the project ' recreating cultural and traditional village' promotion with support of ' Ministry of Culture, Sports and tourism' however this project existing the limits of the budget supporting. The limits are bigger than other rural projects.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 대상 및 범위
 2. 문화ㆍ역사 마을가꾸기 사업의 검토
  2.1 문화ㆍ역사 마을가꾸기의 개요
  2.2 문화ㆍ역사 마을가꾸기의 현황
 3. 충주 목계 문화・역사마을 가꾸기와 주민참여
  3.1 주민참여에 의한 마을만들기 추진과정
  3.2 주민이 찾아낸 마을의 자원분석 및 자원화 방안
  3.3 주민참여를 통한 계획수립
 4. 목계 살아있는 박물관 프로그램 제안
  4.1 프로그램 기본구상 및 개념
  4.2 머릿속을 채워가는 프로그램(First Full Fill)
  4.3 빈속을 채워가는 프로그램(Second Full Fill)
  4.4 빈손을 채워가는 프로그램(Third Full Fill)
  4.5 소결
 5. 결론


  • 김승근 Kim, Seung-Geun. 정회원, 극동정보대학 건축학과 부교수, 공학박사


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