

『불꽃아가씨 선발대회』에서의 젠더와 장애


“Gender and Disability in Miss Firecracker Contest.”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay examines how to interpret the stigmatized identities in different ways, and change the dominant meaning of them and specially focuses on bodily norms for women and disability in Miss Firecracker Contest. Sociocultural discourse controls the representation of women and disability and has people internalize the beauty discourse as their own. Beauty discourse sets normal physical standards for people, assesses, and classifies people into classes: superior and inferior. People with deviant behavior, deformed body, and disease are culturally stigmatized as inferior potentially threatening the cultural comfort. Because the dominant group seeks to preserve or enhance their privileges, individuals with stigma-beauty, women, and disability are at the risk of alienation from the society. Characters in Miss Firecracker Contest are suffering from the confinement and pressure of stigma and body image. To escape isolation and find a community which will value Carnelle, she struggles to change her physical self -image based on distorted body image.
Remedy to that vain trial starts with self-affirmation and openness. It could be a starting point
for building a common ground with others. What all stigmatized people have in common is
that they have a devalued social status. To deconstruct a rigid social hierarchy, they should
build solidarity with inter- and intra-group coordination. If they could endure and enjoy the
differences caused by concrete experiences in wide social and cultural contest, they would
revalue the body and behavior which constitute the marker of stigma.




  • 정귀훈 Jeong, Kwi-hoon. 서원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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