

시대를 향한 한 시인의 노력 : 브라우닝의 낙관주의 연구


“A poet’s dedication to an age: A study on Browning’s optimism.”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Through real methodology of life, Robert Browning presents the Victorians how to think and live between life and religion.
He endeavored to research human being’s life with scrutiny and sincerity in his religious poetry. His aim for this seems to find better world. Although he lives in a dark age of sudden change and insecurity, he secures his contemporary people hope and optimism. Browning shows realities of life in his optimistic poetry as well as the truth shown in Bible. Rather he gives the truth in different ways from those of Bible. In other words, he projects the rays of truth on basis of universal and vast horizon of life, beyond the biblical dogma. We can find a poet’s endeavor trying to preach final hope toward dark age through his optimistic poetry. This means that Browning has his own passionate love for not only his Victorian people but all mankind.




  • 문영수 Moon, Young-soo. 호원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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