

Research Articles

β-Cyclodsxtrin Reduces Obesity in C57BL/6J Mice Induced by High Fat Diet



Anti-obesity effects of β-cyclodextrin in obese C57BL/6J mice induced by a high fat diet (HD) were observed. The administration of β-cyclodextrin reduced the gain of body weight, abdominal fat, liver weight, the lipid deposits of hepatocytes and the size of adipocytes in the HD group. In serum analysis, the total and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterols were significantly decreased in the β-cyclodextrin-supplemented HD group than in the HD group. However, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol was not changed in these groups. In hypothalamic homogenates, the decrease of neuropeptide Y and increase of -melanocyte stimulating hormone were detected in the β-cyclodextrin-supplemented HD group compared to that in the HD group. These effects of β-cyclodextrin were similar to those of Garcinia cambogia, which is widely used as a natural anti-obesity product. These results suggest that β-cyclodextrin has anti-obesity effects through the lowering of the abdominal fat pad and inhibits the central effects of hunger.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Dae Won Kim Central Research Center, Natural F&P Co., Ltd
  • In Koo Hwang Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Veterinary Medicine and BK21 Program for Veterinary Science, Seoul National University
  • Ki-Yeon Yoo Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, College of Medicine, Hallym University
  • Hua Li Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, College of Medicine, Hallym University
  • Tongkun Pai Department of Food and Nutrition, Anyang University
  • Young Sup Kim Medical Science Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology P.O. Box 107
  • Dae Young Kwon Korea Food Research Insitute
  • Dong-Woo Kim Central Research Center, Natural F&P Co., Ltd
  • Won-Kuk Moon Central Research Center, Natural F&P Co., Ltd
  • Moo-Ho Won Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, College of Medicine, Hallym University


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