


작업치료사 국가시험 과목과 직무와의 연관성에 관한 조사


The Relationship Between the Subjects of the National Occupational Therapy Certification Examination and the Roles of Occupational Therapist

김경미, 이재신

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Objectives: The purpose of this survey research was to Investigate how well the national occupational therapy certification examination was reflecting the current occupational therapy practice.
Method: The researchers developed a survey with input from 159 occupational therapists out of 230. The content of the survey consisted of four areas which were demographic information, the relationship between the current national occupational therapy certification examination, the tasks that occupational therapists perform in the clinical settings, and the knowledge bases that occupational therapists need to know to perform the tasks.
Results: The findings can be summarized as follows; 1) All the current examination subjects except for ADLs (activities of daily living) had low relationship with clinical occupational therapy practice; 2) 84% of the respondents agreed on that the current examination needed to be revised based on the tasks that occupational therapists actually do in the clinical settings; 3) the new subjects proposed for the national occupational therapy certification examination showed high relationship with the clinical occupational therapy practice; 4) the new subjects were composed of occupational therapy evaluation, treatment plan, intervention, re-evaluation, management, and professionalism.
Conclusions: The findings are expected to be useful for revising the content of the current national occupational therapy certification examination and developing occupational therapy curriculum of the new educational programs.


Ⅰ. 서 론
 Ⅱ. 연구 방법
  1. 조사대상 및 조사방법
  2. 분석방법
  Ⅲ. 연구 결과
  1. 일반적 특성
  2. 현행 작업치료사 국가시험 과목과 임상과의 연관성
  3. 작업치료사 직무에 따른 국가시험 개선안에 대한 타당성
  4. 작업치료사 직무의 중요도
  5. 교과내용(개정안)과 임상과의 연관성
  6. 현행 국가시험 시험과목과 교과내용(개정안)과의 비교
  7. 작업치료사 국가시험 과목의 제안
 Ⅳ. 고 찰
 Ⅴ. 결 론


  • 김경미 Kim, Kyeong-Mi. 인제대학교 의생명공학대학 작업치료학과
  • 이재신 Lee, Jae-Shin. 건양대학교 작업치료학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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