


토함산 불국사의 생태가치평가


Ecological Value Assessment of Bulguk-Temple in Toham Mountain

최송현, 이영경, 이병인, 이상혁



Traditional temples in Korea have been located in forest because of the development of zen since Silla-Dynasty, which made the temple the owner of the forest. The religious principles of Buddhism encourages the pro-environmental life style and the conservation of nature. Thus, the temples played an important role in the conservation of the forest where they located.Ths purpose of the research is to investigate the ecological status of the forest owned by a traditional temple. The study site was the Toham forest owned by Bulguk temple in Kyeong-ju. The important findings of the study are as follows :1) Pinus densiflora is distributed mainly in the site. The pine trees located very near the temple show different forest structure and age compared to those located distant from the temple.2) Specifically, the pine trees located near the temple have lower species diversity and higher appearance of exotic species due to the consistent artificial maintenance from the temple. The average age of the tree is estimated about 100 years old.3) The pine trees located distant from the temple maintain the natural status of pine forest, and the average age is estimated about 40 years old. 4)Besides Pinus densiflora, Quercus variabilis and Quercus serrata are expanding their growth now, which will be very competitive in the future.


 I. 서론
 II. 연구내용 및 방법
  1. 연구의 내용
  2. 연구의 방법
 III. 결과 및 고찰
  1. 불국사 경내지 일반적 개황
  2. 조사지 개황
  3. 색생구조분석
  4. 연륜 및 생장분석
  5. 종다양도 분석
  6. 종수 및 개체수 분석
  7. 유사도지수 분석
  8. 불국사 경내지 식생의 생태적 가치
 IV. 결론


  • 최송현 Song-Hyun Choi. 부산대학교 조경학과
  • 이영경 Young-Kyoung Yi. 동국대학교 조경학과
  • 이병인 Pyong-In Yi. 부산대학교 지역환경시스템공학과
  • 이상혁 Sang-Houck Lee. (주)케이-테크노콘


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1Landscape and Woody Vegetation of Entering Way to Some Scenic Buddhist Temples in Korea네이버 원문 이동
  • 2속리산 삼림군집구조에 관한 연구(I) -소나무림 보존계획-, "응용생태연구", 한국환경생태학회, 1990, 4, 1, 23~32
  • 32000.사찰환경연구 신라문화원
  • 4韓國 傳統寺刹의 景觀에 관하여네이버 원문 이동
  • 5A Study on the Planting Status of Landscaping Plants of Sunam Temple네이버 원문 이동
  • 6(1976) Laboratory Manual of General Ecology. Wn. C. Brown Co., 232pp.
  • 7An Upland Forest Continuum in the Prairie-Forest Border Region of Wisconsin네이버 원문 이동
  • 81979: TWINSPAN, a FORTRAN program for arranging multivariate data in an ordered two way table by classification of the individuals and attribute. Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University. Ithaca, New York, 99pp.
  • 91975. Ecological diversity. pp. 165, Wiley. New York.
  • 10Measurement of Diversity네이버 원문 이동

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